About Translated from the original German description: A few years ago I digitized the two typewriter fonts based on the types of my Erika, but I also have a second typewriter, an Adler Tippa 1 from 1966. This good piece is 50 years old, and you could tell too, because some of the plastic housing parts showed very clearly how time has passed. Where these are screwed tight, the plastic has become quite crumbly. Now a much more modern but also significantly short-lived computer printer has donated a color-matching material with its housing that could be welded to the old plastic parts inconspicuously. After thorough lubricating work, it is in pretty good shape again and can probably celebrate its round birthday, and a new ink ribbon has already been ordered for my two classic office machines from East and West. So what could be more obvious than digitizing the imprints of their types that were made when setting up the machine, exactly as the decrepit colored ribbon had copied them onto the paper.