
Free Magazine on Table Mockup (PSD)

Do you ever notice how similar magazine covers are? The star of the show and the main article in the middle, surrounded by the headlines and the rest of the included works, and of course, the title of the magazine, with plenty of things left out for the readers to discover as they read along. This format is used for different types of magazines: fashion, lifestyle, economical, political, and that’s because it works. People want to learn about the main event but they stay for the details, and because it all starts with the cover, today we share this new magazine mockup. The setting of this free resource is unusual. Although it features items we’re all familiar with, it’s about the marvelous patterns and designs these items hold from the framed artwork in the back and the stand on the side to the 2 small white and grey clocks and the table with its cantaloupe shade.
Designers can use the smart object layers to realistically showcase their graphics without disturbing the exotic setting created and shared in PSD format by Mr. Mockup.