
Anima – Figma to HTML, React & Vue code Figma Plugin

Go from high fidelity prototypes to developer-friendly HTML, CSS, React and Vue.

Create High fidelity prototypes

  • Responsive design: use breakpoints and pins to create a single prototype for all screen sizes.
  • Live, interactive prototypes: add videos, animations, real input fields, hover effects, and even embed custom code.
  • Direct integration: you don’t need to maintain two designs. work directly from Figma.

Introducing Developer-Friendly Code.

Let developers export HTML, CSS, React and Vue code components

  • Reusable code components: Anima automatically recognizes components that repeat, minimizes code duplication and increases overall code readability and maintainability.
  • Automatic flex-box layout: Anima Auto-Flexbox layout allows relative position for dynamic content.
  • Zero dependencies: Anima’s code is meant to save time for engineers, while keeping them in control.