About Translated from original German description: And again it was a Typografie.info question. The question of the writing on signs that you saw everywhere in the GDR. It was quickly discovered that it was probably a slim, semi-bold Erbar Grotesk, but a closer look revealed a few differences. So I decided to make this Eastern Erbar. And wasn’t there something about DSF and RGW? So probably also Cyrillic letters are needed. Cyrillic, isn’t that how it’s written in Bulgaria? I had a Bulgarian next to me at school, and some of the lower-case letters are a bit different there, in Serbia, since both writing systems are used side by side, some who can be confused with Latin letters for other sounds see things differently again. And Since this can only be solved well with OpenType functions, this is how the expansion began, which then enables global currency symbols and even horizontal book display. So read the PDF file!