Moi, moche et mchant (Despicable Me) is a animated film franchise produced by Illumination Entertainment. The first film in the franchise, Moi, moche et mchant, was released in 2010 and was followed by two sequels: Moi, moche et mchant 2 (Despicable Me 2) in 2013 and Moi, moche et mchant 3 (Despicable Me 3) in 2017. The films follow the adventures of Gru, a former super villain who adopts three orphan girls and ultimately becomes a loving father. The films feature a mix of action, comedy, and heartwarming moments, and have been praised for their creative storylines and lovable characters. Moi, moche et mchant 2 (Despicable Me 2) is the second film in the franchise and follows Gru as he is recruited by the Anti-Villain League to help track down a mysterious villain who is threatening the world.