
2 Free Poster Frame Mockups (PSD)

Just like fingerprints, milestones are different for everyone, for each person and each group, for each era and each epoch. And although we strive to move forward, we can always take a step back and look at what we have framed throughout the years.
This is the free poster frame mockup from Style Mockups. The highly realistic resource allows designers to share two posters from a front point of view, enabling them to introduce a dynamic display of movie or play posters. The authentic design can also be used for vintage car posters, magazine covers, jazz jams ads, and even newspaper clips, all of which can be added to the scene in a matter of seconds. It’s easy to spot the quality of this mockup, not just with its brilliant presentation but also with its classic wooden frames that can be used for portraits as well as images of natural landscapes, oil paintings, etc.