Longtime friends Fred Gans and Jack Griffin had a meeting in 2008 to discuss a concept. Fred had recently learned of a real estate storage idea developing out of state with condo ownership and sized for large items such as RVs and cars. Fred, with many years? experience in the self-storage industry throughout the country, was intrigued. Very coincidentally, Jack, as well as several others around the country, had recently conceptualized an idea for car enthusiast communities. Jack had a lifetime of car collecting and motorsports experience, as well as a real estate background. Thus, the synergy of ideas that began the discussions between the two led to the formation of Garages of Texas. Jack honed his thoughts and ideas to researching the best sizing for cars, amenities, and locations. His concept was even written about in publications such as the N.Y. Times and other car magazines. Car enthusiasts might finally have a real estate home that would allow them to enjoy their cars in concert along with their fellow car buddies.